
A kayaking photo essay
Photo Essay by Eh Ler ThaOutdoor Outreach instructors arrive at Tidelands park and unload kayaks from trailer.Instructors typically arrive at the location ahead of time to prepare gear before participants arrive.

Outdoor Outreach receives $70,000 for Environmental Programs
Outdoor Outreach will incorporate lessons on sustainability and conservation into more than 400 adventure-based recreational learning programs in and around San Diego County, helping 2,000+ teens learn how they can preserve and protect the places where they play....

Leadership Series: Honoring Black History Month
Featured photo courtesy of Black Outside Inc. Instagram Honoring Black History Month As we honor February as Black History Month, we have an opportunity to reflect on its meaning for us as an organization. Loretta, our multi-talented grants manager, volunteered to...

An Update! Beyond Outdoor Outreach: Maung Lay’s Story
From Leadership Program to Conservation Professional How the Outdoor Outreach Leadership Program prepared me for the outdoor industry by Maung Lay "I never thought that the outdoors would have an impact on my life. But to be in a space where I can be in my own...

‘Outdoor Access for All’ Initiative to Allow more Access to Outdoor Spaces in California
‘Outdoor Access for All' Initiative to Allow Underserved Communities Access to Outdoor Spaces in California Written by Issac Santos, Outdoor Outreach Field Instructor Yesterday, alongside state and national leaders, our very own Field Instructor Isaac Santos shared...

Public Policy Advocacy at Outdoor Outreach
Why Advocacy? Written by Sonia Diaz, Outdoor Outreach Public Policy Manager Ad·vo·ca·cy - /ˈadvəkəsē/ noun public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy. As the new Public Policy Manager, I support all of Outdoor Outreach's advocacy work at the...

Workforce Development at Outdoor Outreach: SALT Training Program
SALT Training Program at Outdoor Outreach Written by Meg Martin, Youth Program Assistant Coordinator The aim of the SALT training program is to offer a professional development bridge from our PEPPER training program. Young instructors who have completed the PEPPER...

Workforce Development at Outdoor Outreach: PEPPER Training Program
PEPPER Training Program at Outdoor Outreach Written by Meg Martin, Youth Program Assistant Coordinator The aim of the PEPPER training program is to offer a professional development bridge for young instructors coming into the field directly from our Leadership...

Summer 2021 Leadership Program Photo Essay
Leadership Program Summer 2021 Photo Essay by Eh Ler Tha Imperial Beach | July 2021 | Surf Training Mission Trails | July 2021 | Training for the backpacking trip Inyo National Forest | July 2021 | Post-hike swim in Little Lake Cleveland National Forest...

Go for Your Passion | Interview with Tatiana Butte
Beyond Outdoor Outreach: Tati's Story Tatiana was a Leadership Program graduate in 2019 and has since gone on to complete her Associate's Degree, earning a full-ride scholarship to UC Berkeley. We're so glad to have been part of her journey, and know that she's off to...